Saddle Listing - New & Used

Last updated Friday, October 12, 2007

Welcome to the Saddle Brook Tack Saddle Page!

The following list provides a recently updated preview of new and used saddle inventory including all-purpose, close contact, jumping, dressage and the occasional stock saddle. Saddles are available for trial to assure the best fit for both horse and rider. In addition, an on-site consultation may be arranged with Saddle Brook Tack to evaluate the fit of the saddle to the horse and rider. Please contact us for further information about saddle fitting and associated costs.

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Item Number Make

Description (Product Name, Weight, Style of Neck,Color) Size
Condition Price
New All-Purpose/Jumping Saddles
Crosby Bruce Davidson Eventer Designed for the experienced cross-country ride. The BD Eventer is designed with a lng seat, very forward flap and high stirrups offering the rider a range of position in the saddle. The rugged Premium English leather should take a beating but will need breaking in. The simple design has no blocks but rather a small, built-in knee roll. The seat is medium depth with a low pommel and stuffed fiber panels allowing for adequate clearance. NOS 17.5" W New $1,050.00
60145 Gatsby Millenium A/P A basic all-pupose saddle from Miller's Gatsby. Made of sturdy leather with gussetted and flocked panels. A reliable entry level saddle for all around riding. Padded Flaps and knee rolls. 17" W New $359.00
860145 Gatsby Millenium A/P A basic all-pupose saddle from Miller's Gatsby. Made of sturdy leather with gussetted and flocked panels. A reliable entry level saddle for all around riding. Padded Flaps and knee rolls. 18" W New $359.00
565545 Collegiate Connoisseur Quality craftsmanship demonstrated in this spring tree, French style close contact saddle. Air cushioned flaps and front knee blocks offer additional support. Foam filled pannels. NOS 17" R New $975.00 $595.00
661343 Wintec 500 A/P w/ CAIR Designed for those riders that appreciate the traditional look of leather but donít wish to spend a great deal of time to care for their saddle. Featuring the CAIR and interchangeable gullet system. *Package includes: SS Stirrups, Wintec Girth, Stirrup Leathers (Webbers or Wintec Stirrup Leathers) and a Saddle Pad.* 17.5" CG New $499.00 *Package*
662016 Collegiate Convertible Senior Event All Purpose Saddle The Collegiate Senior Event has a medium deep, wide seat that provides maximum comfort for flat work, jumping, or hacking. Self padded flaps, concealed knee rolls, and flocked panels. Features Easy-Change Gullet System, allowing change of tree size to accomodate different horses. The "easy ride" pre-treated leather provides a more pliable, supple leather giving a "broken-in baseball glove" feel. Dark Brown. 17.5" CG New $1,105.00 $994.50
661352 Wintec 2000 w/ CAIR A versatile saddle for riders that enjoy a number of disciplines including jumping, flatwork and pleasure. Featuring the CAIR and interchangeable gullet system with equisuede seat and knee roll.Brown 17.5" CG New $695.00
661339 Wintec 500 A/P w/ CAIR Designed for those riders that appreciate the traditional look of leather but donít wish to spend a great deal of time to care for their saddle. Featuring the CAIR and interchangeable gullet system. *Package includes: SS Stirrups, Wintec Girth, Stirrup Leathers (Webbers or Wintec Stirrup Leathers) and a Saddle Pad.* 18 CG New $499.00 *Package*
1829526 32 Stubben Siegfried VSD A/P Versatile AP saddle w/soft, padded knee rolls. Ebony 17.5" 32cm New $1,450.00
2014W02-17 HDR Rivella Bristol A quality jumping saddle with smooth French leather covered flaps and traditional flocked panels with gussets gives the rider an extremely comfortable ride. The soft leather provides the feel of a saddle ridden in for seasons and discreetly hides the knee and calf blocks A classically styled, well balanced, narrow twist for a close contact feel. Made of premium French leather with knee blocks and thigh blocks. This saddle has the look of a close contact saddle, with square cantle,but it's medium deep seat and large knee rolls make it feel more like an all purpose saddle. this demo saddle. . 17.5" W New $995.00
Used All-Purpose/Jumping Saddles
196399 Stubben Rex Traditional foundation Stubben all-purpose saddle 16 R Fair, Needs Flocking $450.00

Stubben Seigfreid VSD The Stubben VSD offers the versatility and balanced seat of an all-purpose saddle with a flaps that are not as forward as the VSS model. Smoth padded flaps and knee roll. Black 17" 32cm Very Good $850.00
196395-A Wintec 2000 Pro This all-purpose, synthetic saddle features a deep seat and sculpted forward flap to compliment the most popular Wintec features. This saddle looks as though it has barley been used. 17" R Like New $225.00
196361 Wintec w/ Irons & Leathers This Wintec with irons and leathers offers an easy care solution for riders of any age. Brown cordura. 17" W Good $350.00
- -- Passier A/P Jumping Made in the quality of the Passier saddle, this forward flap saddle offers support for the rider working over fences. 18” N Fair $350.00
175 Unknown Entry-level A/P children's saddle 16 R Good $140.00
H2750A Unknown Childs all-purpose, brown 15” - -- Billets need replacing $150.00
196398 Equestrian Argentine Basic, no frills entry level A/P saddle 18" R Fair $85.00
6234 Gidden Forward flap, brown - -- Spring Tree Fair $250.00
6231 Unknown Brown all-purpose saddle 16” W/MW - -- $125.00
Close Contact Saddles
196381 Crosby Lexington TC Designed by Tad Coffin for Crosby, the Lexington TC features a plain flap with hidden knee roll and cutback pommel to accommodate high withered horses. This package is accompanied by leathers, 4.75" stirrups and 46" Barnstable Overlay Girth 16.5 R Very Good $650.00
2014W02-165 HDR Rivella Bristoll A classically styled, well balanced, narrow twist for a close contact feel. Made of premium French leather, knee blocks and thigh blocks this demo saddle. 16.5 R Very Good $795.00
6233 Crosby Corinthian Dark brown. In good condition but with scratches on the pommel and flap. Comes with Crosby leathers and 4.5 stirrup irons 16.5” R Very Good Except scratches $750.00
2727 22006 Crump Prix Du Saute Brown 17.5” R Good $450.00
2745 Rembrandt Dark brown 16.5” - -- Good $825.00
New Dressage Saddles
Rembrandt Laurea The Rembrandt Laurea is buit upon a tree that enhances comfort & correct position. Well balanced for both horse & rider. 17.5" W/#4 New $1,002.00
97111104 Keiffer Wein DL Keifferís most popular dressage saddle. The moderately deep seat and elegant, straight flap offer a classical foundation for the rider. A medium sized knee roll is concealed by the molded padded flap. The patented Keiffer tree can be altered to fit any horse and comes with a five year guarantee. 17" MW New $1,440.00
661347 Wintec Dressage w/ CAIR A classical entry level design for riders in training and novice competition looking for the appearance of leather without the hours of care (black) 17.5" CG New $575.00
661322 Bates Caprilli Dressage 18" CG New $1795.50
Used Dressage Saddles
CX220210-A Stubben VSD w/ Dressage Flap The Stubben VSD offers the versatility and balanced seat of an all-purpose saddle with a straight dressage flap. 17" 32cm Good
2745 Courbette Fels Bach AG Made in Switzerland, the Courbette Fels Bach AG is an older, hand-crafted model demonstrating great crafstmanship. Featuring a plain, long flap and moderatley wide seat the Fels Bach AG offers a close contact feel in an all-puposesaddle. 17" R Used $250.00
6232 Passier A/P Dressage All-purpose dressage cutback, with knee roll, plain flap. Comes with stirrup irons, leather, 46”girth 17” - -- Good $795.00
2721 Wintec Australian older style poley saddle, made of cordura
has interchangable gullet, but does not have easy access to gullet.
17 R? Good $195.00


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